
J and Renais Casual Wear

May 14, 2020

I tried to figure out what their casual wear would be like.

I wanted to see if I could translate the armor that J's always wearing into normal clothes. Maybe he'd be more comfortable in something somewhat familiar. Since J is an alien warrior, I first of all gave him a pair of green combat boots. Black skinny jeans and a black mock turtleneck sweater to match his bodysuit. For his faulds, I replaced them with a green plaid shirt tied around his waist. A warm outfit for a bird from the desert. He'd be missing his helmet, something he'd likely been wearing almost his entire life. Renais gives him a green military-style cap. I considered giving him Pizza's red baseball cap, but decided against it since J is no longer Pizza. Tomoro is in a ball net on J's back.

For Renais' outfit, honestly I just gave her an outfit I own and a pink knit bag to have the hat hidden away in.