
Nose Day

August 07, 2020


8/7 can be pronounced a few different ways in Japanese. One way is "ba nana", so it's called "banana day". It can also be pronounced "ha na" which can mean "nose".

It was 8/6 at 6PM that Chima mentioned 8/7 is nose day. My first thought was "I gotta draw something to celebrate!" My second thought was "Ah, but I have no time. I'm working all day tomorrow and then I'm getting finger surgery in the evening." My third thought was "No, I have 5 hours, I'll draw something now."


I quickly sketched a couple different compositions before deciding that there's nothing wrong with getting some inspiration from the intro to Cyborg 009.

This was probably the fastest I've ever sketched something, and it definitely doesn't look finished, but I think it turned out fine given the time constraints. I finished the piece at 11PM and instantly fell asleep after posting it to social media.

(So technically I finished it on 8/6 in my timezone, but it was 8/7 in Japan when I posted it 😁)